About Me

Follower of Christ

My grandparents (Nanaw and PawPaw) were a huge part of my life. They had such a profound impact on who I am and what I believe to this day. I know that I found God because of them. They made sure that I was in church every Sunday if at all possible. I remember them giving me my first Bible and reading it at a very young age.

Around the age of ten I decided to follow Jesus in the waters of baptism and from there it was not always smooth sailing on my journey with the Lord. In fact, just after high school I was attending a young adult ministry at Calvary Baptist Church in Duncanville and it was during that time of my early adulthood that I rededicated my life and really focused in on wanting to get closer to my Heavenly Father.

Through the years I have grown more and more in love with Jesus day by day. He is my Savior, my Lord, and my friend. He has been so faithful, loving, merciful, and kind to me. I have seen His hand all over my life. He has saved me from sickness, from injury, from storms, from heartache, from all of the pains this world can throw at you. He has always been right there loving me through all the ups and downs, the twists and turns and everything in between.

He has blessed me beyond what I have deserved, and I am humbled and grateful that life is so much the sweeter for having found Him.


On a beautiful and brisk Autumn day in 1992 I had the privilege to marry my best friend and soul mate, James.

We will be celebrating three decades of marriage very soon. We have had many adventures together. We became parents to four sons. We have been business partners together several times. We have traveled to many places together, more countries than states. We have taught Bible studies together. We have swum in oceans, hiked mountains, and stayed in more Bed & Breakfasts or Airbnb’s than I can count. We have camped together, canoed rivers, explored caves, and rode horses less than we would have liked to. We have taken dance lessons together, studied Spanish together, we have laughed, loved, and cried together.

We have made so many good memories but we have also endured some of the worst blows from life, overcome hardships, made it through pain, and saw the saving grace of God work things out for our good.

We are truly two that have been made one. He is part of who I am and we are better together.

Mom & Nonna

One of the most challenging but most rewarding jobs I have ever had the privilege of being given has been that of being a Mother.

The Lord blessed me beyond measure when he breathed life into my four awesome sons and allowed me to have the opportunity to be their Mom. It has been a tremendous responsibility to raise these guys up to be good human beings.

They definitely did not stay small long enough. I miss the moments in their young childhood where we explored rivers, went on family bike rides, read books together at bedtime, or taught them how to cook different things in the kitchen.

It has been tough watching them grow up, becoming independent, and spreading their wings but how proud I have been to see them soar into the godly young men they have become today. A couple of them have now become fathers themselves and Wow, what an honor and amazing experience it has been to become a Nonna to our grandson and granddaughter with one more grandbaby on the way!

Not much else in this world warms my heart more than the love and snuggles of our grandbabies. Our grandchildren have been the icing on the cake and I am so very grateful for them indeed.